On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Mahalakshmi.m
>  Hi,
>  My table looks like:
>  Id                Name
>  1                     1aaa
>  2                     01345
>  3                     1asdf
>  I want to bind unsigned short as text. i.e, If the Unsighed short is 0x0061
>  I want to bind it as 'a'.
>  My Prepare statement is as follows:
>  Unsigned char u8_ClassificationCode=1;
>  Unsigned short u16_Input=0x0061;
>  if ( sqlite3_prepare(gpst_SqliteInstance,"SELECT id, Name FROM MUSIC WHERE
>  Name >= '%d%c'  LIMIT 1;",-1,&pst_SearchPrepareStmt,0)!= SQLITE_OK)
>  {
>             return SQLITE_DB_ERROR;
>  }
>             sqlite3_bind_int(pst_SearchPrepareStmt,1,u8_ClassificationCode);
>             sqlite3_bind_text16(pst_SearchPrepareStmt,2,(char
>  *)u16_Input,-1,SQLITE_STATIC);
>  }

Since nobody else mentioned it: there's something seriously wrong with
your database design.

But first: Your usage of sqlite3_bind_text16 is incorrect.   The
fourth argument, -1, means "My string is NUL-terminated. Use strlen()
to figure out how long my string is and use that.".

However, for that to always work correctly, u16_input needs to be an
array with a NUL terminator:

>> unsigned short u16_input[] = { 'a', '\0' }; <<

Anyway, back to what I was saying: your database design needs
rethinking.  1NF (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_normal_form)
states that a column should only have one value.   However, you seem
to be combining *two* values (Classification Code and Input) into one
column (Name).  Therefore, you should be doing this:

>> create table Music ( id integer not null primary key,
classificationCode integer, input text) <<

id          classificationCode  input
----------  ------------------  ---------
1           1                   aaa
2           0                   1345
3           1                   asdf

At this point, you would do this:

>> sqlite3_prepare(gpst_SqliteInstance, "SELECT id,
classificationCode, input FROM MUSIC WHERE classificationCode = ? AND
input >= ? LIMIT 1;", -1,&pst_SearchPrepareStmt, 0); <<
Note that, if you you want the original form, you can do
>> sqlite3_prepare(gpst_SqliteInstance, "SELECT id, classificationCode
|| input as Name FROM MUSIC WHERE classificationCode = ? AND input >=
? LIMIT 1;", -1,&pst_SearchPrepareStmt, 0); <<
This will convert classificationCode to a string and join it against
the 'input' column to return your original Name.

>> sqlite3_bind_int(pst_SearchPrepareStmt,1,u8_ClassificationCode);
    sqlite3_bind_text(pst_SearchPrepareStmt, 2, "a", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);

This also means you can index the string portion of your Name column
separately, and quickly search for something with a specific name
without knowing its classification.

-- Stevie-O
Real programmers use COPY CON PROGRAM.EXE
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