Well I'm very new to SQLite but shouldn't:

UPDATE table SET Value=12.3 WHERE Address=7 and Port=1


UPDATE table SET Value='12.3' WHERE Address='7' and Port='1';

sqlite3_vmprintf() is the recommended method to build SQL with

Saturday, March 1, 2008, 6:31:50 PM, you wrote:

tti> The code is very long, I'll try to put here the core of my application.
tti> I'm using a C++ Class where one function is "sqlraw" that I use to
tti> execute a SQL statement:


tti> sqlite3 *db;

tti> int expander::
tti> open_db(char * pDbName)
tti> {
tti>    int rc;
tti>    rc = sqlite3_open(pDbName, &db);
tti> if( rc )
tti>    {
tti>       fprintf(stderr, "Can't open database: %s\n", 
tti> sqlite3_errmsg(db));
tti>       sqlite3_close(db);
tti>       exit(1);
tti>    }
tti>    return(0);
tti> }

tti> int expander::sqlraw(char *pSql)
tti> {
tti>    int rc; 
tti>    char *zErrMsg = 0;
tti> printf("SQLRAW: SQL=%s\n",pSql);
tti>    printf("Database %d\n",db);
tti>    rc = 
tti> sqlite3_exec(db,pSql, NULL, NULL, &zErrMsg );
tti>    printf("SQLRAW: Stato=%d 
tti> - OK=%d\n",rc, SQLITE_OK);
tti>    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK )
tti>    {
tti>            fprintf(stderr, 
tti> "SQL error: %s\n", zErrMsg);
tti>            sqlite3_free(zErrMsg);
tti>            return(-1);
tti>    }
tti> return(0);
tti> }

tti> int main(int argc ,char *argv[])
tti> {
tti>    expander expio;
tti> char sPre[2048[;
tti>    expio.open("test.db");

tti>    strcpy(sPre,"UPDATE 
tti> table SET Value=12.3 WHERE Address=7 and Port=1");

tti>    if (expio.sqlraw
tti> (sPre) == 0)
tti>    {
tti>        / / Action for no error
tti>    }
tti>    else
tti>    {
tti>       // Manage error conditions
tti>    }

tti> When I execute the code, sqlraw 
tti> function print the pSql string, and this is the same I pass.
tti> The 
tti> Database descriptor is the same returned from open function, and status
tti> code is OK!!!

tti> But table value isn't updated.

tti> I don't understand 
tti> what's matter, and because i haven't any error message I can't debug
tti> it.

tti> Any suggestion is VERY VERY appreciate

tti> Pierluigi Bucolo

Best regards,
  Neville Franks, http://www.surfulater.com http://blog.surfulater.com

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