Dennis Cote schrieb:
> Michael Schlenker wrote:
>> Or would i have to create a dynamic query with appropriate number of bind 
>> variables myself and have to pay the price of reparsing each time?
>> # like this
>> values = [uuid1,uuid2]
>> binders = ",".join("?"*len(values))
>> cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM t WHERE uuid IN (%s)" % binders, values)
> If you are going to prepare the query each time, why not embed the 
> values directly in the query string and avoid all the bind calls? There 
> is no benefit to binding these values unless they are possibly user 
> supplied strings that could be used for an SQL injection attack. If they 
> are generated by your application it would be faster and simpler to skip 
> that step.

No, i don't prepare it each time, (the wrapper caches some of the statements 
internally, via hashes).

I now got it working with a pivot table, which worked nice because i have 
fixed length ids and it looks like this now:

    buffer = "".join((b.bytes for b in uuids))
    length = len(blobs)

    ldb = db.execute("""
         SELECT, min(
             WHEN meta.deleted = 1 THEN 'del'
             WHEN location.location_id = ? THEN 'loc'
             ELSE 'non'
         END) as status
         FROM meta
         LEFT OUTER JOIN location
         ON = location.item_id
         WHERE IN
             -- iterate over binary buffer, each uuid takes
             -- 16 bytes
             (SELECT substr(?,(n-1)*16,n*16) FROM pivot WHERE n <= ?)
              GROUP BY
              ORDER BY status""", (1, buffer, length))

Basically i have to check a larger number (might be around 10.000 or more, 
but usually far less) of ids against my (incomplete) metadata catalogue to 
find out if those ids are locally available or need to be fetched from a 
remote (slow) location.

Thanks for the good suggestions. I might have a look at creating a temp 
table first, but doubt it will be faster.


Michael Schlenker
Software Engineer

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