""Severin Müller"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> ""Severin Müller"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote in message
>>> int func(void)
>>> {
>>>         // database is open and the select statement is executed
>>>         // this is the query: char *sql = "SELECT 'protect' FROM
>>> 'test_db');";
>> You should get an error here. If you don't, the statement you
>> actually run differs from the one you show.
> Neither. No Error, and it's axactly the statement i'm passing

You sure? Complete with unmatched closing parenthesis?

Yes, I see that SQLite manages to accept a string literal in the FROM 
clause, and interpret it as a table name. This is not valid SQL, SQLite 
seems to accept it as an extension.

In any case, the statement likely doesn't do what you think it's doing. 
It returns a resultset with the literal string 'protect' repeated for 
each row in the table test_db. I guess you wanted to select a column 
named protect: in this case, just drop the quotes:

select protect from test_db;

Or, if you insist, use double quotes (though they are unnecessary in 
this case):

select "protect" from "test_db";

>>> {
>>> if((rc=sqlite3_bind_int(oStmt,0,result))==SQLITE_OK)
>> You don't have any parameter placeholders in your statement. What
>> exactly are you binding here?
> That's what i'm asking. I don't understand what todo with this call
> at all.

That rather depends on what you are trying to achieve, which I believe 
you've never explained.

For description of SQL parameters, see


To retrieve individual fields from the resultset, use sqlite3_column_* 


>> The variable 'result' is never modified in your code. What do you
>> expect to see in it, other than its initial value of zero?
> i thought the variable result was changed to it's value in the
> sqlite3_bind_in function.

sqlite3_bind_int takes its 'int' parameter by value. It can't possibly 
modify it.

Again, sqlite3_bind_* is for setting statement parameters. To retrieve 
values from resultset, use sqlite3_column_*

Igor Tandetnik 

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