
I am using a Beowulf Linux compute cluster to run my application. I
store my data in SQLITE databases. My application needs to read various
SQLITE files over a shared network over NFS. 

I have read a lot of NFS problems and SQLITE. I also know it is because
NFS is broken somewhat. But, I am wondering why this affects my
application since I don't read files at the same time (even over the
network). Each process in each machine will load a different SQLITE
file. And the files are read-only. What shared memory is having this

I open my database using the following command:

sqlite3_open_v2(line, &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY, NULL);

The application simply hangs during the sqlite3_exec() function call.

I also tried using the sqlite3 command line application. After typing
'.schema' the application simply hangs too. I also tried doing a Ctrl-C
but it just says "error: database is locked". I tried to kill the
sqlite3 process and entire Linux machine dies!

I am using CentOS 4.4, nfs-utils 1.0.6-70.EL4 and Linux Kernel
2.6.9-42.0.2.ELsmp. I am using sqlite3 3.5.6. I compiled sqlite3 from


William Emmanuel S. Yu (杨怀义)
Department of Information Systems and Computer Science
Ateneo de Manila University
email  :  wyu at ateneo dot edu
blog   :  http://hip2b2.yutivo.org/
web    :  http://CNG.ateneo.edu/cng/wyu/
phone  :  +63(2)4266001 loc. 4186
GPG    :  http://CNG.ateneo.net/cng/wyu/wyy.pgp

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