I want to UPDATE a field of one table with data of rows of the same table.

For example to calculate the depth of a node in a tree

  update nodes as s set s.depth=
    (select f.depth+1
       from nodes as f
       where f.id=s.father_id)
    where s.depth is null;

I could do this in a ugly way:

  create view nodes_father as select * from nodes;
  update nodes set depth=
    (select nodes_father.depth+1
       from nodes_father
       where nodes_father.id=nodes.father_id)
    where s.depth is null;

But I want to do this without creating a view.

The complete example need initialization:

  update nodes set depth=0
    where father_id is null;
  update nodes set depth=null
    where father_id is not null;

and a repeat execution of the first update until the next statment returns
no rows:

  select *
    from nodes
    where depth is null

Thanks. I'm sorry about my poor English.

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