I don't see any error handling in your code for SQLITE_BUSY...

Also, Depending upon the odbc driver your using,  you might want to change the 
begin to a "begin immediate" causing the lock to be taken out at the begin vs 
later on...

Xuanvinh Vu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I did check and I have all the BEGINs and COMMITs. I understand that by default 
the sqlite busy signal is given right away so what I do is I wait till the next 
interval elapses to try to update the DB again by that time whatever the 
transaction that causes the DB to block me before should have been completed. 
These transaction takes between 0.03sec to 1 sec. My fastest thread update at 
every 10 seconds. Here is part of the code.
public void UpdateOneHourTable(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection conn, float[] 
counterValues, int startRow)

string CommandText = "BEGIN;";
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand command = new 
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand(CommandText, conn);
int rowId = startRow;
for (int x = 0; x < counterValues.Length; x++)

CommandText = "UPDATE OneHour SET DateTime=datetime('now','localtime'), Value=" 
+ counterValues[x].ToString() + " WHERE RowId=" + rowId.ToString() + ";";
command.CommandText = CommandText;
command.CommandText = "COMMIT;";

public void UpdateOneDayTable(System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection conn)

string CommandText = "BEGIN;";
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand command = new 
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand(CommandText, conn);
//Delete any entries that are over one day old.
CommandText = "DELETE FROM OneDay WHERE DateTime < 
datetime('now','localtime','-24 hours') OR DateTime > 
datetime('now','localtime') OR Value < 0;";
command.CommandText = CommandText;
//Get the average values in the past 5mins from each individual counter in 
OneHour table and put it in the OneDay table.
CommandText = "INSERT INTO OneDay SELECT CounterId, 
datetime('now','localtime'), avg(Value) FROM OneHour WHERE DateTime >= 
datetime('now','localtime','-5 minutes') AND Value >= 0 GROUP BY CounterId;";
command.CommandText = CommandText;
command.CommandText = "COMMIT;";
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