Hi Dennis,
  Thanks for the info but before I embark on a huge coding excercise could you 
give me a vague clue as to how much work would be involved to get up and 
  Is there any documentation which will help me in implementing ur suggested 
  Sqlite would be perfect for my application but unfortuanatly I don't have a 
huge amount of time to work on it and end up with more problems.
  I tried the DSQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP and then a rebuild but still got the following 
compile errors, I'm sure I'm missing something simple...
  Thanks again
  'Building file: ../sqlite3.c'
  'Invoking: GNU C Compiler'
-gdwarf-2 -I"D:\Apps\Nburn\include" -I"D:\Apps\Nburn\MOD5282\include" 
-IE:/CDev/Embedded/Netburner/5282/Workspace/iControlv1/include -Wall -c 
-fmessage-length=0 -MMD -MP -MF"sqlite3.d" -MT"sqlite3.d" -DMOD5282 
"../sqlite3.c" -o"sqlite3.o"
  ../sqlite3.c:12911: error: parse error before "pthread_mutex_t"
  ../sqlite3.c:12911: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
  ../sqlite3.c:12914: error: parse error before "owner"
Dennis Cote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Jus GoodFun wrote:
> I develop in 'C' within the Windows version of the Eclipse
> Environement producing embedded systems focused on the Motorola
> ColdFire Processors specifically the MCF5282.
> The target operating system is The uC/OS which is a preemptive
> multitasking RTOS.

You will probably need to start with the preprocessed source and 
implement your own OS support files. The SQLite core supports unix, 
windows, and OS2. You will have to write your own support modules for 

You can get the preprocessed source files at 
http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-source-3_5_7.zip You should probably start 
by looking at the source files os.h and mutex.h

If you compile the amalgamation with SQLITE_MUTEX_APPDEF defined, then 
the builtin mutex code for all the supported OS's are disabled, and you 
will have to supply suitable functions for SQLite to call. If you don't 
need mutual exclusion (i.e. you are writing multithreaded code), then 
you can define SQLITE_MUTEX_NOOP to included a set of macros that 
effectively remove all mutex calls from SQLite.

Dennis Cote

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