tiggyboo wrote:
> I created and populated a table via sqlite3 on a Mac OSX machine, and have no
> problem working with it  from the sqlite3 prompt.  However, when I try to
> access the sole table (named cftable) in this database via a very simple
> Adobe AIR application I'm working on, I get this error:
> Error #3115: SQL Error.', details:'no such table: cftable'
> My question - would this be typical of a version conflict for sqlite, i.e.,
> is the latest release of AIR perhaps using an embedded sqlite that is not
> compatible with what I have (3.1.3) on my machine?  I have  yet to determine
> which version is embedded in AIR.
It is more likely that you are simply opening a different database, 
either a different file, a temp file, or an in memory database. In the 
shell you can enter the command .database at the prompt. The shell will 
display the path to the file it has open. Ensure this is the same file 
you are opening in Air.

You can check the version of sqlite running in Air by executing the 
following query:

    select sqlite_version();

Dennis Cote
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