Hey all --

I am having a problem with sqlite choosing the wrong index.  This is
with sqlite 3.5.7, but I believe this has been happening for a while
as the general slowness caused in our app due to this has been around
for a while.  I've posted a reduced test case here:


But basically there is a simple table:

create table foo (id integer primary key autoincrement, a integer, b integer);

And i fill it with 100,000 rows, with the a column always null and the
b column an incrementing integer.  I also add two indexes, one on
foo.a and one on foo.b, and then run analyze.  Now compare the query
plans from these two selects:

sqlite> explain query plan select * from foo where a is not null order by b;

sqlite> explain query plan select * from foo where a is null order by b;
0|0|TABLE foo WITH INDEX idx_a

Note the difference between the two queries is the negation of the
where clause.  The first query takes about .2s, where the second one
takes 1.3s, a pretty significant difference :)  I can force the second
query to not use idx_a by replacing the where clause with "coalesce(a,
0) = 0" but I don't think this is a great solution.  Here is my stat

sqlite> select * from sqlite_stat1;
foo|idx_b|100000 1
foo|idx_a|100000 1

Is there any way to fix this, or do I need to change all my queries to
avoid the situation?

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