On 4/9/08, Richard Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Richard Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >> One question:  I thought that the '\' character is not part of the
> >> SQL standard.  (That's why I specified '/' instead as my ESCAPE
> >> character).
> >
> > I'm not sure I understand. You can use any character as an escape
> > character. E.g. LIKE '2!_%' ESCAPE '!'. A backslash is as good as any.
> >
> > Igor Tandetnik
> I'm a SQL newbie, so I may very well be wrong about this ...
> My understanding is that you can use any legal SQL character as an escape
> character, but that a backslash is not a legal SQL character.
> I got this impression from a sentence I read on the SQLite website (in
> the description of literal numeric values):
> "C-style escapes using the backslash character are not supported because
> they are not standard SQL."

If I understand correctly Igor Tandetnik's comment "A backslash is as
good as any.",  in the above quote the phrase "they are not standard
SQL" refers to C-style escapes and not to the use of the backslash
character as an escape defined with ESCAPE.

LIKE '2\_%'

is not valid.

LIKE '2\_%' ESCAPE '\'

is valid.

Robert Wishlaw

> So then I checked the spec, and found syntax definitions (reproduced at
> the end of this email) that do seem to confirm that backslash ('\') is
> not a legal SQL language character.
> I haven't checked to see whether SQLite accepts backslash as an escape
> character.
> - Richard Klein
> ==========================================================================
>           <SQL language character> ::=
>                  <simple Latin letter>
>                | <digit>
>                | <SQL special character>
>           <simple Latin letter> ::=
>                  <simple Latin upper case letter>
>                | <simple Latin lower case letter>
>           <simple Latin upper case letter> ::=
>                      A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N |
> O
>                | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
>           <simple Latin lower case letter> ::=
>                      a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n |
> o
>                | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z
>           <digit> ::=
>                0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
>           <SQL special character> ::=
>                  <space>
>                | <double quote>
>                | <percent>
>                | <ampersand>
>                | <quote>
>                | <left paren>
>                | <right paren>
>                | <asterisk>
>                | <plus sign>
>                | <comma>
>                | <minus sign>
>                | <period>
>                | <solidus>
>                | <colon>
>                | <semicolon>
>                | <less than operator>
>                | <equals operator>
>                | <greater than operator>
>                | <question mark>
>                | <underscore>
>                | <vertical bar>
>           <space> ::= !! space character in character set in use
>           <double quote> ::= "
>           <percent> ::= %
>           <ampersand> ::= &
>           <quote> ::= '
>           <left paren> ::= (
>           <right paren> ::= )
>           <asterisk> ::= *
>           <plus sign> ::= +
>           <comma> ::= ,
>           <minus sign> ::= -
>           <period> ::= .
>           <solidus> ::= /
>           <colon> ::= :
>           <semicolon> ::= ;
>           <less than operator> ::= <
>           <equals operator> ::= =
>           <greater than operator> ::= >
>           <question mark> ::= ?
>           <left bracket> ::= [
>           <right bracket> ::= ]
>           <underscore> ::= _
>           <vertical bar> ::= |
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