I am using SQLite 3.5.7. This is a simplified example, but I have 2  
threads in the same process, each with their own connection, and cache  
sharing disabled.

Thread A does:

while (some condtion)
        do some INSERTs

Thread B occasionally wants to also do its own BEGIN IMMEDIATE...COMMIT

I found that thread A tends to hog the database: thread B often times  
out when attempting to begin its transaction. I added a sleep of 2  
seconds at the bottom of thread A's loop, to give thread B a chance to  
get in. That worked, but of course the throughput of thread A is  
reduced as a result of the sleep calls, even when thread B doesn't  
want to use the db.

Is there a better mechanism I should employ to ensure one writer  
doesn't hog the database?


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