Hi All,
I have the following codes to execute the sql file but the error message return 
back that dot(.).
It seems like sqlite3_exec didn't like ".output wanPerfTableTest".
So how go to get arround with this command ".output wanPerfTableTest" 
Your help is greatly appreciated.

strcpy(&stmt[0],".read /tmp/dump_WAN.sql");
 if (bIsConnected) {
  sqlSt= sqlite3_exec(pDb,stmt , NULL, 0, &errMsg);
      if (sqlSt != SQLITE_OK ) {

my file is defined as:
attach database 'CommonDB' as CDB;
.output wanPerfTableTest
.mode csv
select datetime('now');
select startTime, appName, appType, isAppDeleted, remoteWXId, hostName
        remoteWXType, active, bytesToWan, bytesFromWan from wanPerfTable
        JOIN CDB.appMapTable on wanPerfTable.appId = CDB.appMapTable.appId JOIN
        CDB.remoteWXTable on wanPerfTable.remoteId = CDB.remoteWXTable.remoteId;
detach database CDB;
select datetime('now');

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