At 09:57 24/04/2008, you wrote:

>I intend to use sqlite3 to store files.
>I've tested inserting an 7.6MB file in a blob column but it returns a
>SQLite3::TooBigException. I'm using ruby API.
>I've installed sqlite3 through a binary package. How can I know what is
>the maximum length permited to a blob column ?
>Is there any recomendation on how could I store the files ? Split it
>into permited length pieces ?

Don't store the files in the Blob, just a 
absolute/relative path to the file or a 
compressed/zipped file. If you choose the 
compressed file, you can put in more than one 
file if you add the number of the file.

>Thanks in advance.


>-- João Macaíba.

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