I am stuck on a couple of concepts with TS3.

I found this write-up on TS3:

It indicates that update should be used to populate the virtual table.  I
don't understand how to add data to the table via an update.  Perhaps there
is a way to link the virtual and normal tables that I am not aware of by
using update?

Once the initial data is in the virtual table Is a trigger required to keep
the data up to date as new rows are added to the normal table?

This may be related to what I am missing about getting data into the virtual
table in the first place but I don't understand how the rowid of the normal
and virtual tables match.  The same page above shows dt.rowid = vt.rowid but
what is the mechanism that allows this to work>

I am trying to do what I assume is very common.  I want to perform a
full-text search on a sub-set of the columns for a table and return the
matching rows in that table.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Mont Rothstein
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