Hi list!

I've just finished a set of sqlite3 virtual tables and I would like to name 
them with a "dot notation", ie "data.source1", "data.source2" created like that:
sqlite3_create_module(db, "data.source1", &dataModule1, 0);
sqlite3_create_module(db, "data.source2", &dataModule2, 0);

... and then use the following calling convention:
create virtual table tab1 using data.source1(arg1, arg2);
create virtual table tab2 using data.source2(arg1, arg2, arg3);

... but the parser claims a  syntax error near "." :-(

Note that the following three notations just work, but I find them a bit weird 
and not very user-friendly:
create virtual table tab1 using 'data.source1'(arg1, arg2);
create virtual table tab1 using "data.source1"(arg1, arg2);
create virtual table tab1 using [data.source1](arg1, arg2);

Is there any chance that this would be solved in a future version of SQLite, ie 
considering adding the "." to the authorized characters in an identifier 
following the key word "using"?

BTW, I do not see lots of virtual tables out there. I find it's a really great 
and distinctive feature and I think that, following the recent tutorial ideas, 
our SQLite community should set up a sharepoint with users contributions (just 
like the "/contrib" area, but in a more user friendly, collaborative and 
"visible" way). Same thing for user-defined functions, aggregates, collations...
That would help people starting with sqlite and allow us to build some useful 
tools/examples that everybody could use or inspire of...

Have a nice day,

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