Hi All,
We have an application in C++ is up and running all the time to insert the data 
into the table. At the same time we
have the shell script to dump the database to file at the end of the hour as 
defined below in this email.
The question that I have is while the application is writting data to database 
and at the same time the bash script is running to dump the data to the file. 
At this time the script dump the data to the file has the protential "database 
lock(Deadlocked)" because the application is writting the data to database at 
the time of selection. If this the case then how to check the "database lock" 
in the bash script.
.sqlite3 CommonDB < $1
$1 is script file as defined below:
.output '/tmp/statsData'
.mode csv
select '#RemoteWX';
select remoteId, remoteWXId, hostName, active, remoteWXType from remoteWXTable 
order by remoteId;
select '#RemoteWX';
attach database '/tmp/CompressCurHourDB' as CCHDB;
select * from CCHDB.compressTable;
detach database CCHDB

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