> My DB file is too big, how can I provide it to your guys?

You said a compressed copy of the database file is 18M.

One possibility is to create a bug report ticket at 
http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/captcha?nxp=/cvstrac/tktnew and attach the 
compressed database file to the bug report. Then it would be available 
to anyone who needs to look at it. I don't think there is a limitation 
on the size of an attached file, but I could be wrong.

> Even the DB is damaged, sqlite should return an fault result instead of 
> crashing, shouldn't it?

You are correct, it should not crash. That's why it is important to get 
a copy of the database that is causing the problem so that it can be 
used to find the bug.

Dennis Cote
sqlite-users mailing list

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