I looked at the database attached to the ticked and noticed that the table 
contains NULL rowids as well duplicate rowids. This should happen as SQLite 
usually rejects duplicate rowids with a constraint error.

When I run this query:

  select rowid, count() from ndxparamvalues_localizedstring 
    group by rowid
    order by 2 desc

I get the following results:

  rowid count ()
  NULL 1759 
  10 1601 
  20 1341 
  30 1281 
  40 1254 
  50 1200 
  ... more results follow, 3161 in total.

So I wonder how you managed to fill your database with duplicate rowids?

I also wonder if this is somehow related to your "problem"?


>I've only found one reference to slower queries with the DISTINCT/GROUP 
>BY optimization that went in back in November for 3.5.3 and later.  I 
>would have expected more given the number of our queries causing problems.
>The problem as I wrote in ticket 3128 
><http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=3128> appears to be with 
>queries that use DISTINCT and LIMIT.  If the query is somewhat slow (in 
>my example, it's joining several large tables), the new DISTINCT 
>(implemented in the code as GROUP BY) can be much, much slower because 
>it (apparently) collects all or most of the rows before applying GROUP 
>BY, even when there's a LIMIT.  Before the change (3.5.2 and earlier), 
>DISTINCT was aided by the LIMIT quite a bit.  In my example, the query 
>takes around 0.02 seconds in 3.5.2 and earlier, 3.1 seconds in 3.5.3 and 
>Has anyone else seen similar behavior?  If so, have you found a 
>workaround?  My workaround is actually a patch to the source to disable 
>the optimization when a LIMIT is given, though there might be cases 
>where this is undesirable (like maybe cases where the table has indices 
>that can be used by GROUP BY and the LIMIT is sufficiently high).
>Brad Town

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