On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 1:26 PM, D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In Bram's case, he was surprised that the last-insert-rowid changed
> because he is not thinking about how FTS works behind the scenes.  And
> this is reasonable.  There is a lot of magic in FTS that programmers
> are not expected to understand.  So it is reasonable for INSERTs done
> internally by FTS to not change the last-insert-rowid.  But one can
> easily imagine other virtual tables that are more transparent and in
> which the programmer would expect the last-insert-rowid to be
> updated.  How do you specify when the last-insert-rowid is updated and
> when it is not?

I think that a reasonable approach is that last_insert_rowid should
work like you'd expect it to work for a non-virtual table.  Someone
executing a statement against the virtual table should probably be
discouraged from making assumptions about the internals of the
virtual-table implementation.  If the virtual-table wishes to expose
such things, it should do so by exposing some sort of overridden
function (hmm, I think I just worked us back to last week's
function-against-a-table discussion).

Last time around, one suggestion was that we could expose a
sqlite3_set_last_insert_rowid() function which a virtual table could
use to make sure that it wasn't modifying things (by capturing
last_insert_rowid and resetting it later).  I'm not sure if that is
reasonable, because it makes it easy to do what is arguably the wrong

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