Darren Duncan wrote:

>Ralf Junker wrote:
>>Can you suggest an alternative to a single reserved name to represent the 
>>column which uniquely identifies a database record under any and all 
>Yes, change the interface to RowID into a routine call rather than a column 
>name; eg use "RowID()" rather than "RowID".  

I can not see how this would actually work with SQLite. Any use-created RowID 
column would override and hide the implicit rowid column even for the RowID() 
function, would it not?

>Then when using it in a SELECT, you can say "RowID() as foo" in the select 
>list where "foo" is different than a normal table field.  Such is how 
>'standard' SQL does it. 

What is 'standard" SQL? Can you give an example how this is used with other DB 
engines? I am not familiar with MySQL, but searching the documentation I could 
not find that it supports this concept. Maybe others do?

>Any manager app can read the database schema first and generate a name "foo" 
>that is distinct.

As things are at the moment, the implicit, unambigous RowID can not be 
retrieved from the database schema if all three "RowID", "_rowid_", and "OId" 
column names are overridden. This applies to SQL as well as to user-defined 


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