On May 28, 2008, at 11:24 AM, Robert Simpson wrote:

> You can browse the SVN sources for Mono.Data.SQLite here: ...

FWIW, I hereby make the following offer to any open-source projects  
related to SQLite:

     *   A third-level domain name.  Ex:   mono.sqlite.org
     *   Your own website.  Ex:   www.mono.sqlite.org
     *   A fossil repository for storing your files.
     *   Links to your site from the main SQLite website.

Requests for new repositories will be evaluated based on the quality  
of the project and the relevance of the project to the SQLite core.  I  
am looking for projects that add significant value to SQLite.   
Examples of the projects I am looking for include things like Robert  
Simpson's Mono interface, ODBC drivers, bindings to other languages  
(ex: Lua, Lisp, Fortran, etc.), and/or GUI database management tools  
designed especially for SQLite.

Fossil is an easy-to-use cross-platform distributed configuration  
management system.  Fossil is built on top of SQLite and is currently  
used to host nearly two dozen projects and subprojects on the SQLite  
website and countless other projects on other sites.  Because fossil  
is distributed, you the developer maintain maintain a complete copy of  
the source code repository on your local machine(s).  So outsourcing  
the webhosting to SQLite.org does nothing to threaten your control  
over your project.

Every fossil repository includes its own wiki and bug-tracking  
system.  (NB:  The bug-tracking system is under development and is not  
yet available, but will be available soon.)  Both wiki and bugs are  
distributed together with source code.

Additional information about fossil:


Examples of other open-source projects currently hosted on SQLite.org  
using fossil:

     http://www.fossil-scm.org/         (Fossil is self-hosting)

D. Richard Hipp

sqlite-users mailing list

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