kgs wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've compiled sqlite3 for arm-linux(armv5t) as well as the tcl environment.
> sqlite3 3.5.9
> tcl 8.4
> I've run testfixture all.test on the hardware it's compiled for.
> Everything runs great until we come to the crash4-1.1.1 up to 
> crash4-1.1000.1.
> the messages are :
> Expected: [1 {child process exited abnormally}]
>      Got: [1 {couldn't create error file for command: no such file or 
> directory}]
> for each crash4-1.x.1, then :
> *** Giving up...
> 1000 errors out of 26715 tests
> the crash4-1.x.2 and crash4-1.x.3 return Ok.
> Any ideas as to what may be wrong ?
> Thanks in advance
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> sqlite-users mailing list
So this is apparently what is happening...
this code in tester.tcl :
set r [catch {
    exec [info nameofexec] crash.tcl >@stdout
  } msg]

is returning :
1 {couldn't create error file for command: no such file or directory}

so i think that >@stdout is trying to treat stdout as an open file... 
but it doesn't exist.

I'm guessing that stdout is supposed to be a fixed thing in tcl... and 
that this is supposed to take the output from the exec and pipe it to 

So... if this is how its supposed to work, then why isn't it ?

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