Hello SQLite users,

 I have two questions, could anyone please help me out.

 1. Can I use sqlite3_prepare_v2 in Version 3.1.3?
 2. How do I bind date values using prepare/bind methods?


For above example I can write a prepared statement as

 INSERT INTO TABLE Info(Name,DOB) values(?,julianday(?))
And bind 1 & 2 parameters to text values.

But how do I write prepared statement if I want to insert date('now') value
into the table, like below query
INSERT INTO TABLE Info(Name,DOB) values('XYZ',julianday(date('now'))

Will adding julianday(date(?)) cause any performance impact when I supply
the date itself as a value rather than date('now').

I am asking this because julianday(date('1984-03-03')) =
julianday('1984-03-03'). Right?

I am inserting some thousands of rows.

Thanks in advance for your valuable time,


Robosoft Technologies - Come home to Technology

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