On Mon, Jun 09, 2008 at 03:39:01PM -0700, Bruce Robertson scratched on the wall:
> Thanks, but I'm gonna need some further instruction or examples or pointers
> to a resource as none of these statements mean anything to me.

  These are C API function calls.  If you're not using the C API, none
  of this applies.

  Otherwise:  http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/funclist.html


> > Use this sequence:
> > 
> > sqlite3_open
> > sqlite3_prepare_v2        //Compiles SQL statement
> > 
> > loop
> >  sqlite3_bind...         //Binds variables
> > 
> >  sqlite3_step            //Executes statement
> > 
> >  sqlite3_reset           //Readies compiled statement for binding to vars
> > until finished
> > sqlite3_finalize          //Destroys compiled statement
> > sqlite3_close
> > 
> > 
> > Bruce Robertson wrote:
> >> Can somebody point me to documentation or examples of sqlite prepare
> >> statements and their purose?
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Jay A. Kreibich < J A Y  @  K R E I B I.C H >

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   - "The Ninja", www.AskANinja.com, "Special Delivery 10: Pop!Tech 2006"
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