
In an application I use the default 'rowid' column as identifier of objects 
stored in table.

I found that if I delete the record that has the maximal rowid, the rowid will 
be reused when I insert a new record.

This mechanism may cause mismatched data in my application because there're 
some cross-table information and I don't wanna update related tables everytime. 

For example, table A stores the user list of my app, table B stores user 
operation logs. I think it's improper to delete all the related logs in B 
generated by a user when the user is removed in A.  

I know some ways to resolve this problem such as adding a 'deleted' flag column 
to the user table, or implement a custom 'rowid' column that rowid can't be 
reused. I'm just curious to know if sqlite can do this by its native 
functionality? I've glanced the source code of sqlite3 but found nothing 

Kevin Kang
sqlite-users mailing list

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