
I have a simple table w1,w2,w3,w3, occs and I need indexes for columns w1 to w4.
Creating them I got:

$ time sqlite3 _.db 'CREATE INDEX wi1 ON tet (w1)'
real    3m48.159s
user    3m34.739s
sys     0m5.590s

$ time sqlite3 _.db 'CREATE INDEX wi2 ON tet (w2)'
real    9m0.107s
user    3m44.161s
sys     0m27.934s

$ time sqlite3 _.db 'CREATE INDEX wi3 ON tet (w3)'
real    15m2.199s
user    4m8.193s
sys     1m5.937s

$ time sqlite3 _.db 'CREATE INDEX wi4 ON tet (w4)'
real    26m57.155s
user    4m30.153s
sys     3m19.778s

As these indexes should be completely independent, why this time degradation?
Can it be caused by a larger db file?

To have an idea, _.db at the end of this process:

$ du -hs _.db
1.8G    _.db

And, if this time degradation is derived from the file size: is there
any trick to make it faster?


Alberto Simões
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