Hi all,

I'm working on getting the incremental Blob API into my Amalgalite ruby
extension and I seem to have hit a roadblock.  And it is probably my
misunderstanding of something in SQLite.

I want to have that whomever uses my SQLite wrapper be able to use the
Blob IO, with minimal extra work.  To do that I'm imagining a scenario
where the my users execute a prepared statement similar to:

  SELECT name, blob FROM blobs WHERE name = $name;

And the driver, under the covers uses the blob IO routines to retrieve
the blob data from SQLite when the user accesses the result set.  

At the C level in SQLite this ends up executing something like:

  sqlite3_prepare_v2( ... )
  sqlite3_bind_text( ... )
  sqlite3_step( ... )

  /* access the column data after SQLITE_ROW is returned */
  sqlite3_column_text( ... )
  sqlite3_column_blob( ... ) /* <-- replace with sqlite3_blob access */

At this point, since the next column is a blob column I would like to
access it via the sqlite3_blob_open() call and return a handle to it in
the driver.  I have all the information at this point to call
sqlite3_blob_open() except for the rowid in the origin table of the blob
that is being returned.  And since my user hasn't specified the
appropriate ROWID, OID, or _ROWID_ as part of the select, I am unable to
get the rowid to invoke sqlite3_blob_open().

My question is: Is there a way to access the appropriate rowid that is
associated with a value in a result set if the user has not specified it
explicitly in the SQL query ?  

I'm using SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA so I have origin information
available at result set time, I'm wondering if it is that much of a
stretch to have the rowid of the value in question at the same time.

If this doesn't make any sense, let me know and I'll try and rephrase.



 Jeremy Hinegardner                              [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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