On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 23:32:47 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>I tried to export the the SQL command exported from DBDesigner4 is not going
>to run on SQLite. But working on MYSQL. However I saw that the DBDesigner4
>can connect to SQLite server.
>I tried to download the source code from SQLite CVS. However I have no clue
>how to build the SQLite server from the source code. I also tried the binary
>on the SQLite webpage. I can't find the server option as well. So is there a
>way that I can export my table from DBDesigner4 to SQLite.

As some other people already mentioned, SQLite is not a
If DBDesigner can handle ODBC, you could try one of the
SQLite_ODBC drivers. But that will not solve everything, as
DBDesigner probably doesn't know the SQLite syntax.
  (  Kees Nuyt
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