smlacc1 leador <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having some trouble with blobs.  I have 4 blobs tht I want to
> insert into a db, and it works fine when I execute each insert as a
> single commit. However, when i try to use transactions to input
> blocks of 255 inserts, blob 4 gets inputted in the position of blob3,
> blob 3 in position of blob 2 etc etc.  Very strange.  I've written
> some code to explain what I mean.  The code takes a long time to
> finish, so if you want to try it, compile it, then execute for a few
> seconds before ctrl-c'ing it to quit.  It should give you enough data
> to see what I mean.  In example 1, the fields are where they should
> be.  In code 2, the fields all get shifted left by 1 column.

They aren't. It's just that most of your inserts in the inner loops 
actually fail. The regular pattern of failures makes it look like the 
values are shifted. Check the return value of sqlite3_step to see for 

You must call sqlite3_reset before you can rebind parameters and step 

Igor Tandetnik 

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