On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 4:58 AM, Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The idea here is to use a temp table as a cache for write operations
> on the
> real table, correct? To minimize the number of writes (and therefore
> fsync()
> operations) on the real table?
Yes, that is the overall goal.

> And the cache has to support both UPDATE and INSERT operations? How
> about
DELETE isn't something that I had thought about actually, but I think
that we'd have to bite the bullet with delete and actually remove the
record (or use a temp table to track which entries have been deleted,
and remove those from results?)

> Is the following correct?
>   * When inserting a new row into the system, it should be added to the
>     temporary table.
>   * When updating a row, if it is not already in the temp table, it
> should
>     be copied from the real table into the temp table and then the temp
>     table copy updated.
>   * When reading from the system, we want to return all the records
> from
>     the temp table, and all those records from the "real" table that do
>     not have corresponding temp table records.
Yes to all of the above.

> I think that supporting the UPDATE operation makes it more difficult to
> arrange all this using SQL triggers and views than it would be if each
> record existed in either the temp or real tables (but not both).
Fair.  However, we are working with browser history, so I can't assume
anything like that.

> So we now have a system that supports UPDATE and INSERT. So long as one
> doesn't UPDATE the table's primary key. Still not sure how to support
> DELETE operations.
This is actually OK.  For our tables
(http://dietrich.ganx4.com/mozilla/places-erd.png), we use integers as
primary keys.  However, we also have some indexes for uniqeness which
would have to be enforced by a trigger now...

> I'm starting to wonder if using an SQL view and triggers is the best way
> to implement this. It seems pretty straightforward to support INSERT,
> but UPDATE and DELETE start getting a bit complicated. It could be that
> the logic for distributing records between the temporary and real
> tables would be better done using a procedural programming language.
> Either as part of application logic or as a virtual table.
The insert is easy actually - we always insert into the temp table.
The issues that we hit are:
1) Updating, which we have a solution for.
2) Performance - right now we see a big hit on read queries by
selecting from the temp and permanent table.


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