Henrik Bechmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My purpose was to find the least intrusive way of implementing
> vertical partitioning as a security measure, for example allowing a
> vendor to only see his/her records in a billing table. My idea was
> that a view constrained by a condition on a foreign key would work.
> In the absence of passing in a parameter, can I join the invoice
> table to a "ghost" condition table or view that is created at
> runtime, whereby the condition table contains only the runtime client
> vendor id? Or do I have to implement a full select or view on the
> invoice table at runtime? Suggestions?

You can do CREATE TEMP VIEW to create a filtering view on the fly once 
vendor id is known. Or, as you suggest, you can create a 
one-row-one-colum table that would contain the vendor id, and have the 
view join it in. Update this table with the vendor Id as soon as it's 

Igor Tandetnik 

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