I'm having a problem importing tab-separated files containing quotes.

For example:

When I take a tab-separated text file (quote_test.txt), containing these 
Unquoted value 1        Unquoted value 2
"Quoted" value 1        "Quoted" value 2

... and try to import it in SQLite with these commands:
create table quote_test (value1, value2);
.separator \t
.import quote_test.txt quote_test

I get this error:
quote_test.txt line 2: expected 2 columns of data but found 1

I know I can work around this by either replacing the double quotes with 
single quotes...
Unquoted value 1        Unquoted value 2
'Quoted' value 1        'Quoted' value 2

... or by enclosing the entire field by quotes:
Unquoted value 1        Unquoted value 2
""Quoted" value 1"        ""Quoted" value 2"

The problem is: for a project I'm currently working on, I need to import 
very large files (containing millions of lines) that also have the issue 
I'm describing here. So I have two questions:
1. Is there a way I can workaround the SQLite limitation? The data works 
fine with e.g. Oracle's SQL*Loader. For performance reasons, I would 
prefer to "feed" SQLite the data without modification.
2. If there is no way to make SQLite work with this, can anyone suggest 
me a fast sed command I can use to *enclose* the fields containing 
quotes with quotes. It doesn't seem very trivial. Replacing it with 
single quotes is easy (sed "s/\"/'/g"), but I would prefer to load the 
data as delivered.

Thanks in advance,

- Danny

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