
actually after a quick and dirty hack in btree.c's sqlite3BtreeOpen() 
things _seem_ to work correctly. Of course this is not in any way how it should 
be done, but I didn't see a quick way to give in-memory databases a name so 
that can be used in the search for existing in-memory databases. But it 
indicates that the btree can be shared also for in-memroy databases.

    if( (flags & BTREE_PRIVATE)==0   //FIXME-XXX originally this is 
“&& isMemdb==0”      && isMemdb==1    
   && (db->flags & SQLITE_Vtab)==0      
&& zFilename && zFilename[0]     )      // FIXME-XXX 
originally this is strcmp(zFulPathname, …)    if( 
0==strcmp("", sqlite3PagerFilename(pBt->pPager))       
&& sqlite3PagerVfs(pBt->pPager)==pVfs ){

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