
I have a strange issue with a seemingly simple query.

The table schema:

CREATE TABLE ae_objects (
  oid                 INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
  name                VARCHAR(64),
  template_id         INTEGER,
  template_module_id  INTEGER,
  pos_x               FLOAT,
  pos_y               FLOAT,
  pos_z               FLOAT,
  facing              FLOAT,
  sprite_id           INTEGER,
  sprite_module_id    INTEGER,
  save_id             VARCHAR(16),
  save_type           INTEGER );

Sequence of SQL statements executed:
sqlite> select * from ae_objects;
sqlite> select * from ae_objects where save_id = 165;
sqlite> select * from ae_objects where save_id = '165';
sqlite> select * from ae_objects where save_id like '165';
sqlite> SELECT * FROM ae_objects WHERE save_id<166 and save_id>164;

Why does the "save_id = 165" fail to get any rows? I get zero rows when
I attempt to find the row by exact match of the "save_id" column, but
with a "like" or a "greater than 164 and less than 166" I get the one
row I am looking for.

This only seems happens when that particular column is varchar(16). I
have gotten this behavior on windows and linux. Can provide a db file if
that helps.

Sean Riley
Lead Programmer, Areae Inc.
"All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of
indirection", Butler Lampson, 1972

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