M. Fioretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A few examples of the kind of queries I'd
> like to (learn how to) optimize first:
> - search of strings in text fields (both sub-words and whole words)

Are you familiar with SQLite full-text search (FTS) extension?


> - calculation of moving average of a floating field, eg if a table is
>  like this:
>   2007-01 500
>   2007-02 1059.3
>   ...
>   2008-06 439
>   2008-07 605.52
>   what is the fastest SQLITE3 query to read that table and return
>   another table with the average sales over the last 12 months:
>   2008-05      (total sales from 2007-06 to 2008-05)/12
>   2008-06      (total sales from 2007-07 to 2008-06)/12
>   2008-07      (total sales from 2007-08 to 2008-07)/12

Any solution in pure SQL is going to be awkward. Personally, I'd run a 
simple query like

select MONTH, SALES_TOTAL from Sales order by MONTH

and, as I iterate through the resultset, keep a queue and a running sum 
of the last 12 totals.

If you insist, something like this should work (but not very fast):

select s1.MONTH, avg(s2.SALES_TOTAL)
from Sales s1 join Sales s2 on
    (s2.MONTH between strftime('%Y-%m', s1.MONTH || '-01', '-11 months') 
and s1.MONTH)
group by s1.MONTH
-- optional, if you don't want partial averages at the beginning
-- HAVING count(*)=12
order by s1.MONTH;

Igor Tandetnik 

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