Hi all, and DRH :

I am the author of sqlite3Explorer, a windows Gui management tool. One
of the users of this program has contacted me wrt to supporting
encrypted databases. in the past, Sqlite3Explorer has supported
encrypted databases (version 2 of sqlite), even though I do not own a
copy of the encrypted source
(see), because (in the past, at least), it was not necessary, as long as
the sqlite3.dll was compiled with SEE enabled. I just made the proper
calls to sqlite3_key, and it worked.

I am now told that this does not work anymore, and I assume that
something has changed between version 2 and version 3 of sqlite, which
breaks my implementation.  It fails with an error 21 (Improper use of
I would like to fix this, but I am unable to do so, unless I have access
to (some part) of the commercial version, and an understanding of the
encryption initialization (key format, how to select which of the 4
encryption methods is used, etc).

This request is aimed mainly towards DRH :

is it possible to send me the documentation (as a minimum) of the SEE
extension (and CEROD, if relevant), so that I can implement the corect
calling sequence to open such databases ? The alternative would be for
me to buy the source for these, which is a little over my budget for now

I would like to assure you that I personally have no use for encrypted
databases, I am only asking for this in order to support people that use
my (freeware) utility...

of course, if you are feeling generous, you could also consider giving
me a free copy :), since I *do* contribute to sqlite, at least

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