On Friday 01 August 2008 17:37:51 Alexey Pechnikov wrote:
> And how about SQLite+ICU compilation? Is it work for you?
> In configure.in
> TCC += -DSQLITE_ENABLE_ICU=1 `icu-config --ldflags`
> LIBOBJ += icu.lo
> icu.lo:       $(TOP)/ext/icu/icu.c $(HDR)
>       $(LTCOMPILE) -c $(TOP)/ext/icu/icu.c
> and in file mksqlite3c.tcl add icu.c in "foreach file" circle before main.c
Thanks Alexey, it worked fine. I would never have thought to change 
mksqlite3c.tcl, so thanks especially for that.

I can see why ICU is left out of the downlodable binaries: the vmsize is much 
bigger with it. It is OK for my puposes, but I can see why many people would 
not want it.

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