Hi Stephen,
I have a slightly different requirement. Because the second device is  
the hot-standby part of my device hosting the database, I must be sure  
that the change was successfull. Everything else would lead to  
confusion when there is a failover and some data is not yet changed.
I'm just looking into Ingos code (thanks for that!) i have had no idea  
how to log these statements. Now I'm far closer to the solution.

To be conform with my requirements i thought of changing the triggers.  
My idea is to write a custom function (with the extension api) that  
takes the statement as argument. That function does the transfer to my  
redundant database on the second device and returns with success or  
When there is an error due to a lost link between the devices. I can  
do a RAISE() to show the user-programm that the setting could not be  

Do you think that is a straight solution for my problem?
greetings Till

> The way I accomplished this is by giving each setting a "dirty" flag.
> When the setting is changed for any reason, the "dirty" flag is set.
> When the device reports in (so I know that it is still working), it
> checks for any "dirty" settings and includes them in the report.  When
> the server they report to receives and stores those settings, it sends
> back a response indicating such. Upon receiving that response, the
> device clears the "dirty" flag for all settings.
> This scenario works fine so long as it is impossible for a setting to
> be changed while the device is reporting in.

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