Yes I am able to do that. I fill out the BITMAPFILEHEADER and 
BITMAPINFOHEADER information for the image, and then I do this:

bmpFile.Write(&bitmapfileheader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER));
bmpFile.Write(&bitmapinfoheader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
bmpFile.Write(pbyBitmap, size);   //pbyBitmap is the actual byte data

This has worked correctly for me. I can load it from the file using 

That is the way I wrote it to a .bmp file.

Jeffrey Becker wrote:
> Are you able to load and save the bitmap to a file?
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 2:13 PM, Jared Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having trouble figuring out how to successfully write an image to the 
>> SQLite database as a Blob, using C++.
>> I have an HBITMAP that I would like to be able to store to and retrieve from 
>> the DB. If I understand what I have read correctly, I am supposed to write 
>> out the actual byte data to the DB. Here is what I have done so far.
>> I pass in pbyBitmap as the bmBytes parameter to this function:
>> ImportPageImage(CPage* pPage, BYTE* bmBytes, DWORD bmSize), which calls the 
>> code below. . .
>> //prepare query
>> static const WCHAR tblInsertBlob[] = _T("Insert into [tblBlob] ([Data]) 
>> values (?)");
>> SQL_HANDLE blobHandle = m_pSqliteDB->PrepareQuery16(tblInsertBlob); //calls 
>> sqlite3_prepare16()
>> //bind blob
>> m_pSqliteDB->BindBlob(blobHandle, 1, (void *)bmBytes, bmSize); //calls 
>> sqlite3_bind_blob (bmBytes is the pData param)
>> Then I call StepQuery to execute it, and then I close the query. 
>> sqlite3_bind_blob() returns SQLITE_OK when I run it, so it does not seem to 
>> be encountering an error there.
>> Something apparently gets written to the database, but it does not seem to 
>> be correct. When I try to retrieve and display my image, it is all black 
>> (which is how bitmaps look when there is no data).
>> I think that the problem is coming from writing the BLOB to the database, 
>> but I am not entirely sure. Just in case it is getting written properly and 
>> I am not reading it from the database correctly, I will show you how I 
>> pulled it from the DB.
>> //prepare blob
>> sqlite3_blob* pBlob = NULL;
>> sqlite3_blob_open(m_sqliteDB, "main", "tblBlob", "Data", iBlobID, FALSE, 
>> &pBlob);
>> BLOB_HANDLE hBlob = pBlob;
>> int size = sqlite3_blob_bytes(hBlob); //works correctly, returns 998058
>> BYTE* pBuffer = g_MemMgr.AllocDataBuffer(size);
>> sqlite3_blob_read(hBlob, pBuffer, size, 0); //returns SQLITE_OK
>> sqlite3_blob_close(hBlob);
>> I then try to make a bitmap out of the bytes in pBuffer, but when I do, it 
>> turns out all black (as I mentioned earlier).
>> Do I have the concept correct? And if so, what part of my current code 
>> should I change to be able to use my DB to store image data?
>> Thanks a lot.
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