
I'm new to the list, but have been an enthusiastic sqlite user for years.

I've found the strangest issue today. I have a sqlite3 database that
contains the following table:

CREATE TABLE MAL9_single ( read_name VARCHAR[32], pos1 INTEGER, seq1
VARCHAR[64] );
CREATE INDEX MAL9_sin_index ON MAL9_single ( pos1 );

>From Perl, I query for all rows in that table within a certain range:
SELECT read_name,pos1,seq1 FROM MAL9_single WHERE ( pos1 >= 1 AND pos1
<= 1000000 ) ;

On my table (ca. 180K entries) this takes about 10 seconds for the
above, which returns all rows.

However, when I repeat the exact same condition with OR:
SELECT read_name,pos1,seq1 FROM MAL9_single WHERE ( pos1 >= 1 AND pos1
<= 1000000 ) OR ( pos1 >= 1 AND pos1 <= 1000000 ) ;

it is about 10 times faster.

Adding more OR repeats doesn't speed it up further, sadly ;-)

I pasted the EXPLAIN below, but I'm no wiser :-(

I don't manage the system here, so I'm rather in the dark about the
exact version number.

Any ideas?


sqlite> EXPLAIN SELECT read_name,pos1,seq1 FROM MAL9_single WHERE (
pos1 >= 1 AND pos1 <= 100 ) ;
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Trace          0     0     0     EXPLAIN SELECT
read_name,pos1,seq1 FROM MAL9_single WHERE ( pos1 >= 1 AND pos1 <= 100
) ;  00
1     Goto           0     26    0                    00
2     OpenRead       0     69    0                    00
3     SetNumColumns  0     3     0                    00
4     OpenRead       1     260893  0     keyinfo(1,BINARY)  00
5     SetNumColumns  1     2     0                    00
6     Integer        100   2     0                    00
7     IsNull         2     23    0                    00
8     MakeRecord     2     1     1     db             00
9     Integer        1     2     0                    00
10    IsNull         2     23    0                    00
11    MakeRecord     2     1     5     db             00
12    MoveGe         1     23    5                    00
13    IdxGE          1     23    1                    01
14    Column         1     0     5                    00
15    IsNull         5     22    0                    00
16    IdxRowid       1     5     0                    00
17    MoveGe         0     0     5                    00
18    Column         0     0     6                    00
19    Column         1     0     7                    00
20    Column         0     2     8                    00
21    ResultRow      6     3     0                    00
22    Next           1     13    0                    00
23    Close          0     0     0                    00
24    Close          1     0     0                    00
25    Halt           0     0     0                    00
26    Transaction    0     0     0                    00
27    VerifyCookie   0     138   0                    00
28    TableLock      0     69    0     MAL9_single    00
29    Goto           0     2     0                    00
sqlite> EXPLAIN SELECT read_name,pos1,seq1 FROM MAL9_single WHERE (
pos1 >= 1 AND pos1 <= 100 ) OR ( pos1 >= 1 AND pos1 <= 100 );
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Trace          0     0     0     EXPLAIN SELECT
read_name,pos1,seq1 FROM MAL9_single WHERE ( pos1 >= 1 AND pos1 <= 100
) OR ( pos1 >= 1 AND pos1 <= 100 );  00
1     Goto           0     24    0                    00
2     OpenRead       0     69    0                    00
3     SetNumColumns  0     3     0                    00
4     Rewind         0     22    0                    00
5     Column         0     1     1                    00
6     Integer        1     2     0                    00
7     Lt             2     11    1     collseq(BINARY)  6c
8     Column         0     1     2                    00
9     Integer        100   1     0                    00
10    Le             1     17    2     collseq(BINARY)  64
11    Column         0     1     1                    00
12    Integer        1     2     0                    00
13    Lt             2     21    1     collseq(BINARY)  6c
14    Column         0     1     2                    00
15    Integer        100   1     0                    00
16    Gt             1     21    2     collseq(BINARY)  6c
17    Column         0     0     3                    00
18    Column         0     1     4                    00
19    Column         0     2     5                    00
20    ResultRow      3     3     0                    00
21    Next           0     5     0                    00
22    Close          0     0     0                    00
23    Halt           0     0     0                    00
24    Transaction    0     0     0                    00
25    VerifyCookie   0     138   0                    00
26    TableLock      0     69    0     MAL9_single    00
27    Goto           0     2     0                    00
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