
I think I have found a bug in the RTree extension (v3.6.2)
a copy of the test database is available for download at:
http://www.gaia-gis.it/rtreebug.zip [1.5 MB]


SQLite version 3.6.2
Enter ".help" for instructions
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sqlite> .tables
sqlite> PRAGMA table_info(test);
sqlite> SELECT Count(*) FROM test;

1) there is only a single table, containing 250,000 points
   the whole dataset represents a square greed 500x500
   (10m cell size); coord values are in the Gauss-Boaga
   Monte Mario Italy 1940 reference system

sqlite> CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE test_rtree
   ...> USING RTREE(pkid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
sqlite> INSERT INTO test_rtree (pkid, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
   ...> SELECT ROWID, x, x, y, y FROM test;
2) then I create an RTree, inserting rows copied from the other table

sqlite> SELECT Count(*) FROM test WHERE
   ...> x > 1000400.5 AND x < 1000450.5 AND
   ...> y > 4000400.5 AND y < 4000450.5;
sqlite> SELECT Count(*) FROM test_rtree WHERE
   ...> xmin > 1000400.5 AND xmax < 1000450.5 AND
   ...> ymin > 4000400.5 AND ymax < 4000450.5;

3) the second query [i.e. the one performed on the RTree]
   is by far fastest than the other, but obviously returns
   a wrong result
   the right answer has to be 25, and not 15
sqlite> SELECT Count(*) FROM test_rtree_node;
sqlite> UPDATE test_rtree SET xmin = xmin;
sqlite> SELECT Count(*) FROM test_rtree_node;
sqlite> SELECT Count(*) FROM test_rtree WHERE
   ...> xmin > 1000400.5 AND xmax < 1000450.5 AND
   ...> ymin > 4000400.5 AND ymax < 4000450.5;
4) then I force the RTree to rebuild;
   this time I get the expected answer (25)


Apparently the "UPDATE test_rtree SET xmin = xmin"
seems to be a very stupid operation (i.e. one
changing absolutely nothing), but this actually causes
the RTree to be rearranged in a different way.
As you can notice, number of tree-nodes changes
before and after performing this [and query
results change as well]

A behaviour such as the one I notice seems to be
quite suspect; so I suppose there is some bug
in the RTree module.

Thanks in advance.


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