Ken wrote:
> I'll take a stab at this.
> Each connection would have its own private memory database. 
> Create an additional temp table id_list , Insert the user id set values into 
> this table.
> Then 
> INSERT INTO temptab tt SELECT mt.* FROM maintab mt, id_list 
>                                  WHERE = ;
> Then delete the id_list table or drop it.

Hi Ken,

Since the database is to be created and deleted in a thread itself, I 
think I may need to do something like:
* Create in-memory database (":memory:")
* Attach the main database (from file) as 'mt'
* Create the temporary table for id_list
* Insert the user entered IDs
* Create an index on it
* Join and get the records of interest (between and
* Do the processing

Then, when I close the database, the in-memory stuff is all gone.  Does 
that sound right?

Thanks for your help in getting me started.
9/11/2008 | 12:46 PM.

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