P Kishor wrote:
> So, I am creating a new database, and want to set up triggers to track
> row counts in each table as rows are inserted or deleted.
> A couple of questions --
> 1. Do I have to create a separate pair of AFTER INSERT and AFTER
> DELETE triggers for each table that I want to track, 


> or is there a way
> to create a generic trigger that fires whenever any table is touched
> and returns the table name and the number of rows affected?


> 2. Doing a trigger like so is fine
> sqlite> create trigger del_foo after delete on foo
>    ...> begin
>    ...> update counts set rows = rows - 1 where tablename = 'foo';
>    ...> end;
> however, what if I
> DELETE FROM foo WHERE msg LIKE 'sqlite%'
> How do I get the number of rows that were deleted by the above DELETE?
> Do I first do a SELECT to find out the number of matches before doing
> the DELETE?

You don't need to the trigger fires for each row that is deleted, so you 
always delete 1.

> 3. When doing a batch of INSERTs in a transaction, will the trigger
> fire after the transaction is committed, or on every update? I am
> assuming the former, but, in that case, how will know how many rows
> were inserted?

Same for the insert trigger. It executes after each row is inserted. 
Always add 1.

Dennis Cote

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