On Oct 10, 2008, at 1:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thank you. I've finally found the problem also thanks to error  
> message. I haven't called sqlite3_reset() after SQLITE_BUSY so  
> retrying step() returned MISUSE. But what to do if I'm fetching the  
> rows for SELECT statement? Reset() would put me to beginning. Can  
> SQLITE_BUSY (or _LOCK) occur after fetching of 1st row anyway?

SQLITE_BUSY can only occur before fetching the first row.

> It would be nice to give some example of robust error handling after  
> sqlite_step() at the web page to show what to do for various errors.  
> (Errors are not described in detail in the documentation, only their  
> cause but not appropriate retry action).
> But users are reporting also other strange errors after  
> sqlite_step() which I cannot reproduce, like:
> - SQLITE_NOMEM (after "Select count(*) where...". I don't believe  
> there is really no free memory, I cannot see any memory leaks in  
> application, whole database file has maybe 10-20 MB). How to handle  
> this?

SQLITE_NOMEM is only returned when SQLite is unable to allocate the  
memory it needs.

> - SQLITE_CANTOPEN - I've added the same handler for this -  
> Sleep(...), retry. Is it correct? Do I need to call reset() too?

Usually this is returned when the underlying operation system call is  
unable to open the file.  Often that means a file permission problem,  
in which case sleeping is unlikely to help.

This can also be returned if the filename is too long.

> - SQLITE_ERROR after COMMIT although I'm using prepare_v2() which is  
> documented to return specific error code instead of SQLITE_ERROR.  
> reset() returned the same code.

SQLITE_ERROR is returned if there is a syntax error in the SQL.  Often  
sqlite3_errmsg() will provide more information.  What does it say?

> Thank you!
> On May 13, 2008, at 7:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I‘m running ATTACH database on SQlite 3.5.8 on windows.
>> I‘m opening one database
>> file and attaching the second one.
>> On my computer it works, but it fails at other computer. The
>> database is opened in more
>> than one thread (it is failing in worker thread).
>> sqlite3_step() returns SQLITE_MISUSE , but _sqlite3_errmsg() returns
>> "database is locked".
>> What can be the problem?
> My guess is that SQLITE_MISUSE is being returned when you try to do
> something with a prepared statement that has been finalized or a
> database connection that has been closed.  The error checking to
> detect these things and return SQLITE_MISUSE is probabilistic - it is
> not guaranteed to succeed.  But when it does, it is helpful in finding
> application errors.
> SQLITE_MISUSE returns do not set the error message.  So
> sqlite3_errmsg() will continue to return the previous error, whatever
> that was.
> D. Richard Hipp

D. Richard Hipp

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