Alberto Tellaeche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> work perfectly well, but I am having a very annoying problem with
> sqlite3_exec() function. The code just after the example above is:
>    memset(orden_SQL,0,200*sizeof(char));
>    sprintf(orden_SQL,"update ALUMNO set nota=%0.1f where
>    dni='%s';",nota,dni);
>    res=sqlite3_exec(db,orden_SQL,0,0,&errorMsg);
>    sqlite3_free(errorMsg);

Examine orden_SQL after sprintf, check that it's as expected. For 
example, sprintf is locale sensitive: if your locale, say, uses comma 
for decimal separator rather than a period, the query would end up with 
something like "set nota=1,1". But SQLite expects to see a period for 
decimal separator.

Igor Tandetnik

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