Heya guys,

iv got a database which was made my a program called BluePhoneElite, its a
Mac OS X piece of software which pairs with a mobile phone over bluetooth to
allow messages and calls to be managed from the computer... awesome piece of
software untill it breaks.

Somehow the database has become corrupted, but my experience with
programming and SQL is kinda limited, so turn to you guys...

There are two databases, one for messages (text's) and the other for calls !
both are .sqlite extensions (e.g messages.sqlite & calls.sqlite)

Iv managed to open them in SQLite Expert Personal 1.7.31 and look within the
data, this is where it gets annoying, everything seems to look okay to me
the data is perfectly readable (aka, no random symbols or things which look
out of place)...

But, when i ask SQLite Personal to check the integreity of the databases i
get this;


*** in database main ***
On tree page 7686 cell 67: invalid page number 7692
On tree page 7686 cell 67: Child page depth differs
On tree page 7686 cell 68: invalid page number 7693
On tree page 7686 cell 69: invalid page number 7694
On tree page 7686 cell 70: invalid page number 7701
On tree page 7686 cell 71: invalid page number 7702
On tree page 7686 cell 72: invalid page number 7695
On tree page 7686 cell 73: invalid page number 7697
On tree page 7686 cell 74: invalid page number 7700
On tree page 7686 cell 75: invalid page number 7696
On tree page 7686 cell 76: invalid page number 7698
On page 7686 at right child: invalid page number 7699


*** in database main ***
On page 273 at right child: invalid page number 361

Suffice to say these messages dont mean much to me, anyone else have any
ideas ?

Also, when i scroll through the data, i keep getting alert messages popping
up saying "The database disk image is malformed" and the details of this
error just says
Exception message: The database disk image is malformed
Exception class: ESQLiteException
Date/Time: 2008-10-11 23:02:35.734

Im kinda desperate to get these databases back into a working state, can
anyone help ?


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