On Tue, 14 Oct 2008 22:10:12 +0700, Dan

>ABORT seems right to me. Causes the current statement to have no
>effect, but does not rollback the current transaction.

On Tue, 14 Oct 2008 11:16:17 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge

>I'm not sure there is a "standard" answer. The "right" answer probably 
>depends on the needs of the application and whether it is robsut enough 
>to deal with various situations that might occur that would trigger a 
>For example:
>1) under what conditions might a conflict occur?
>2) does the application code doing the insert have a recovery if it fails.
>3) is the application communicating back to a real user that can decide 
>how to handle the situation?
>4) is this an automated process that needs to work or fail leaving the 
>DB unchanged on failure?

After considering both of your inputs, I have changed the triggers to
"ABORT." I always check my returns and issue a ROLLBACK on errors, so
this is really the best choice.


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