You could write your own sqlite3.exe, with an enhanced interface that
would allow loading queries with ? parameters, binding, eventual
destruction of said parameters.  Spawn it in the background then use
your favorite IPC method to talk to it (another driver program
perhaps).  Depends how crazy you want to make it right?   That's why I
love software design.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 4:48 AM, Christophe Leske <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Stanton schrieb:
>> The sqlite3.exe program is set up as a utility and maintenance tool, not
>> a production environment and is designed to that end.  If you want
>> maximum performance it is not the way to go; instead embed the Sqlite
>> calls inside your application and optimize access.  If you are
>> performing ad-hoc DB tasks then it or one of the many similar function
>> Ssqlite tools are appropriate.  One is the Firefox plug in.
>> You can imagine that having to compile the SQL for over and over instead
>> of storing and re-using the compiled code adds considerably to overhead
>> on frequently run jobs.
> Yes, but I am using Adobe Director as a production environment. This is
> a single threaded application, which also doesn´t allow for threaded
> calls to a database. Plus, i got no access to the source code of the
> so-called Xtra (=DLL) which emits the call to the DB.
> All i got is an Xtra which spawns a new thread in which the command line
> executable is run. I need the thread in order to keep my application
> running smoothly which otherwise stalls.
> Regading the pre-recording of statements: can this be achieved somehow
> if the parameters of the call change all the time?
> --
> Christophe Leske
> Lessingstr. 5 - 40227 Duesseldorf - Germany
> 0211 261 32 12 - 0177 249 70 31
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