some sql examples would help,

With out that I will attempt an answer.

1. Could be that you are including your auto increment field in the
list of fields. So just don't reference the field, it will be done

2. Or you could be msiing the field list all together and just
supplying values. if so I would add the field list on the insert.

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Kenneth McDonald
> Basically, my database INSERT commands seem to still expect a value
> for this, even though my expectation is that it will be computed
> automatically, starting with (I assume) a default of 0 or 1. But I'm
> getting errors of the sort "table images has 12 columns but 11 values
> were supplied." Is there something else I need to do to have the
> primary key column computed automatically?
> Thanks,
> Ken
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